Current Projects

Love Letters
For my first series, Love Letters, I wanted to make pieces about aspects of myself. Although this series is personal, it's still very easy for people to relate to through the themes I'm exploring. I can make art that is just about me and my relationship with other aspects of myself or themes I’m interested in. I can make art that brings me joy to plan, experiment with, and make. With this series, and future ones, I want to practice blurring the lines of what is craft and art. Somewhere in between craft and fine art is where my art belongs. These works are fighting against the hierarchy of art and what belongs in art. I try to break the “rules” of art and do whatever I want in my art. Although quilting and crocheting are seen less as an art and more as feminine hobbies, the way I see it is a way of expressing myself through various fabrics and a medium that I can add on to with details such as embroidery, applique, layering, and more.

Love Letter to My Younger Self
22 x 27 inches
Made with fabric, yarn, embroidery floss, ribbon, & ink on fabric

In this work, I wanted to explore the idea of girlhood and turning 20. In the media, I’d been seeing two things: little girls rushing to become women, and women attempting to get their girlhood back. What started as a piece about girlhood, quickly turned into something about and for my younger self. Although I wanted to keep this project more broad, so it would be more relatable, I felt very attached to this idea of reclaiming my girlhood by honoring my younger self through this small quilt. I wanted to create something that gave me and my audience a sense of nostalgia about childhood. I also wanted an aspect of it to be related to my friends who I lived through girlhood with, which is shown through the embroidered hearts. On the back of the quilt, there’s a whole other aesthetic to it, as it has more of a scrapbook look to it. The idea for the back started out as a collage of photos I wanted to use to portray girlhood, but turned out to be more so about social media and looked like a Pinterest board. The back portrays another view of girlhood, girlhood in aesthetic photos, on social media, and through popular quotes. Another important aspect of the entire piece was that most of the techniques I used were/are techniques that artsy kids could easily pick up, techniques I tried when I was little.